This website was archived on December 19, 2017 and is no longer updated.

April 15 and 16, 2014: 4th LowInputBreeds Symposium

Symposium annoucement

April 15 and 16, 2014: 4th LowInputBreeds Symposium in Newcastle, UK

Third LowInputBreeds Symposium

Logos symposium Tunisia

Breeding and Management in Low Input Production Systems

LowInputBreeds Session at the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP)

Second LowInputBreeds Symposium

Logos symposium Tunisia

Feeding and management strategies to improve livestock productivity, welfare and product quality under climate change

= 14th International Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats Sub-Network on Nutrition and 2nd Symposium of the LowInputBreeds project

First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding


First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding

March 15 and 16, 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands


LowInputBreeds project events

The LowInputBreeds project organises several events in order to guarantee the optimum dissemination of the project's results. The LowInputBreeds website informs about the project's events.

Four symposia

The four LowInputBreeds symposia:

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Specialist training workshops for early stage researchers and agricultural advisors

Facilities of project partners (seminar rooms, laboratories etc.) will be used to deliver workshops. Picture: Thomas Aölföldi, © FiBL

Four workshops are taking place, open to both early stage researchers and agricultural advisors/technologists to facilitate an exchange of ideas/opinions and know-how and encourage potential future collaboration between the two target groups.

The workshops:

  1. Methods and strategies in farmer-participatory selection/breeding
  2. Breeding for ‘robustness’, and quality traits; theory and practice
  3. Methods/strategies for genome-wide and marker assisted selection/breeding
  4. Animal health and welfare management in organic and ‘low input’ production systems 
  5. Feeding regimes in organic and ‘low input’ ruminant and monogastric production systems 

Each workshop accommodates up to 15 researchers from partner organisations and 15 participants from organisations not involved in the consortium. The workshops are advertised on the LowInputBreeds website.

In June 2011 a workshop took place in Switzerland.

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Organisation of an exchange programme for scientists between laboratories involved in the LowInputBreeds project

An exchange programme for early stage reseachers will be organised. Picture: Thomas Alföldi, © FiBL.

An exchange programme for early stage researchers involved in the LowInputBreeds activities will be developed.

This will contribute to addressing

  • the training needs identified in individual development plans for junior researchers (identified by individual partner organisations) and
  • the needs for training in specific techniques/methodologies identified by partner institutions.

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